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Pay-Per-Mille (PPM) Advertising


Aslo known as CPM (cost-per-mille) advertising, PPM advertising means you get paid for the number of times the ads are displayed on your site. The ads can be banners, pop-ups, pop-unders, or interstitials (ads which show for a few seconds between pages of a website).

Advantages of PPM advertising

  1. Set and forget: since you are paid at the number of impressions, you don’t have to care about the clickthrough rate (CTR), nor about finding the best placement on the pages.
  2. Steady income: as long as your traffic stays constant, you’ll know how much money you are going to make every month. As the payment is not influenced by geo-targeting, you can score the same even if you are doing business in the Philippines or elsewhere.

Drawbacks of PPM advertising

  1. High entry barrier: there are conditions of certain minimum traffic for your site to get accepted.
  2. Sometimes Obtrusive: some banners include sounds and very vivid colors flickering in the most annoying way. However, you can select only ads which you find suitable for your website.
  3. List of PPM advertising programs

    Tribal Fusion: minimum 2000 daily unique visitors required.

    Display Advertising (ValueClick Media): minimum 3000 monthly pageviews required.

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